Friday, January 20, 2017

Reflections on Julia's Memorial Service

Julia's desire was that the blog would continue in some way after she passed. Although I will never be able to live up to how she chronicled her story in such a powerful way, and with such strength and peace from God, I will attempt to jot down some thoughts on here once in a while. I've had some time to process the events of January 7th, and wanted to share some thoughts, and some thanks.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Live Stream and Other Memorial Info

UPDATE - 01/13: To clarify, the live stream link below can also be used in perpetuity to watch the recorded video of the memorial service. So please pass this on to others who may want to watch it. It remains unsearchable right now. Also, if you'd like a copy of the gospel of John with Julia's picture/quote on it (given out at the service) we have some extras and can send them to you. Just email with your mailing address. I've been dealing with a flu virus all week but I will post something soon with reflections from the day.